Virginia Alvarez
Project Manager
In: Bogota, Colombia
In 3 Words: Thorough, Organized, Understanding
Outside of work: She can be found sourcing Colombian coffees to make flat whites or brewing cold brew or possibly even taking a barista class. Virginia also likes baking and watching movies.
BS - Interactive Media Design
Acquia Certified Site Builder - Drupal 8
Scrum Alliance - Certified Scrum Product Owner
Scrum Alliance - Certified ScrumMaster
Bio: Virginia is the project manager of the CIED team at Agileana -- working on an application built for Georgetown University and the State Department. Previously, she was an account manager at a digital marketing agency in Colombia. Virginia started her career as a programmer, before moving into a management position at her previous company. It was here that she learned that, while programming wasn’t her thing, she was good at managing people and communicating with big clients like Johnson & Johnson. She left that job after one too many stress dreams about Listerine. At Agileana, her colleagues describe her as a calm and organized presence, well versed in agile methodology. Her knowledge of programming has proven extremely helpful in communicating the needs of clients to programmers and vice versa.